Had a few more aches in the legs during that same period. I actually had to take one running day off, to see if the pain would abate. It did, so that was good. I think it was a combination of running more (now 4 days a week, and farther long runs), doing the repeated oval of track days, and my shoes actually wearing to the point they needed replacing. At any rate, after a sore-ish month, I think with the change of shoes, and muscles adjusting to the added activity, have finally combined to work for me, as the pain has been subsiding.
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Worn Shoes |
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New shoes |
That's the bad. However, each was a learning experience, so here are some of the takeaways that I got from each.

- I likely don't want to have nothing to do over the next "first" or subsequent ones. So I will plan to do something special for me. I did do a movie on our anniversary, but I needed to have a plan for the days around the date as well. So now I will look to maybe get away over Christmas to keep busy.
- Keep an eye on the wear of my shoes, as perhaps the "estimated" wear distance is not going to be close to actual for me, given that I still weigh a bit more. I have already ordered 2 more pairs of my shoes, to be ready to change them at the first signs of leg pains again.
- Once I get done my event, I will start running with a backpack more often, empty to start and building up weight. Its useful to run while I am doing the tourist thing. Or errands.
- Prepare for hot days by being well hydrated PRIOR to the running, and bring electrolyes.
- Prepare for the longer runs by being well hydrated, and having electrolyes along.
Now onto the things that are going well. My fundraising re-commitment has come and gone, and I am fully committed now for the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront half marathon!. I have surpassed my minimum fundraising amount, and am doing very well, being among the top 3 fundraisers in Canada right now. I am very pleased with how everyone has rallied behind me for this cause! If you have not yet contributed, there is still time- just click on the fundraising goal image to go to my secure site where you can make a donation via credit card.
This past month has seen the addition of track training to my schedule. I usually have to do a slightly modified version of the session the coach has planned, because all his athletes come out to track days, not just us TNT folks, and some of his clients are pretty darn fast folk, and some marathoners. So sometimes the track session plan would be as far as I have done on my easy long runs, so would be a real challenge to complete at faster paces LOL. However, they do seem to help with my speed, and I have had some faster long run paces since starting the track interval training. I have set new PBs for 1km, 1mi, and 5k since starting track training. These are still not fast, but since I have been doing at least 5km for more than just last month, it shows that the speed is improving.
I also added some training buddies to my long runs. Since our TNT group is so small, its often just me, which is lonely and not very motivating. Thankfully, my friend S stepped up to the plate, and a friend of a friend, K, has also been coming out. Both are faster than me, but they go slower for me, although still usually a bit faster than I might do on my own. This is a good thing as it pushes me a bit past my comfort zone! Its nice to have the company along for sure.

Concentration is still slowly improving, but I do think it is getting better. I was able to read my first book since hubby passed away, which for someone who used to go through anywhere from 3-8 books a month, well, taking 5 months to finish one book just had never happened before.
My physical stats have not changed much if at all since last month. Still the same weight, and such. However, I do eat more as well. I am definitely hungrier now that I run :) Perhaps over the winter as I ease back a bit on the running, I can cut back on the eating too and trim down some more. However, I can't stop running, as I committed myself to a race in May. This one is just for me and my late husband. His favorite Disney character was Tinkerbell, so as soon as I heard of the Tinkerbell Half, I knew I had to run it :) So I signed up for it as soon as registration opened. I will have to step up the training come February latest, but I can ease up a after my race till then. Besides, its a nice excuse for a vacation in May to California heheh.
As to actual running and training stats,
Count: 70 Activities
Distance: 324.86 km
Calories: 25,624 C
Time: 54:25:42 h:m:s
Avg Distance: 4.64 km
Avg Speed: 6.0 km/h
Max Avg Spd: 6.6 km/h
Avg HR: 136 bpm
Steps: 366,628 s
Tomorrow will be 6 months since Kerry left this world. Its still an oddity of grief that this feels to me like both the longest time ever, and also like it was just yesterday. I still love him and miss him, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him, or talk to him. I hope that where ever he is now, he is pleased that I am hanging in there, coping, and continuing to live.
Distance: 324.86 km
Calories: 25,624 C
Time: 54:25:42 h:m:s
Avg Distance: 4.64 km
Avg Speed: 6.0 km/h
Max Avg Spd: 6.6 km/h
Avg HR: 136 bpm
Steps: 366,628 s
Tomorrow will be 6 months since Kerry left this world. Its still an oddity of grief that this feels to me like both the longest time ever, and also like it was just yesterday. I still love him and miss him, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him, or talk to him. I hope that where ever he is now, he is pleased that I am hanging in there, coping, and continuing to live.